Sunday, March 30, 2014

Some creative writing for your late night reading

It's Saturday, technically Sunday morning and I feel like writing! So, I'm going to go to Slacker and play a random "new & trending" song and use that as inspiration to do a little creative writing. Here we go...

*Song: Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phillips

I yelled, "Just go!"

His back turned toward me I could see him let out a sigh. He shoulders relaxed under his tight gray shirt. I could see him raise a hand up to his face. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he turns towards me. Looking me in the eyes he says, "You know I can't do that."

"Can't or won't? 'Cause we both know that you sure as hell can walk out that door and never come back. So, why? Why won't you leave Jacob?" He shakes his ever so slightly and gives me the saddest look. It pierces my heart and for a split second I don't want him to leave. I want him to wrap me in his arms and tell me everything is going to be okay and that it will all go back to how it used to be. I want to wake up in the morning with his scent on the pillow. I want to breathe him in like I'm drowning and he's the only thing giving me oxygen. I want him more than my next breathe. I look back up at his eyes that used to warm me with their chocolate gaze and realize it's not sadness that he's looking at me with. It's sympathy. He feels sorry for me.

"Babe." I can't. I just...I don't understand where things went wrong. We were perfect yesterday and today I just can't do it.

"No, don't 'babe' me. You need to leave. I just..."

"I know. I'm sorry. I love you, Trace." He walks toward me, arms extended ready to wrap me in the muscular arms that have always eased my pain before. Now, I'm looking at him with sadness clouding my vision. Tears blur and I can no longer see his face clearly. The grayness keeps coming and soon it's all I see as I sob into his chest.

He envelops me in warmness, but I can feel the hurt. It's in the way his arms don't hold me as tight. It's in the way he's slowly rubbing circles on my back trying to soothe me.  It's the way he softly kisses my hair and murmurs, "It's okay," when really it's not okay. It will never be okay again. We will never be okay and neither will I.

I rest my head on his chest and let the tears fall. I try to remember every detail about him, every little thing that I love about him. I don't want to forget any of it. I don't want any of the good memories tainted by this. What we had was real and it'll always be there.

When I smell coffee I'll always think of him and how he would wake up every morning and give me a kiss before hopping out of bed to start the pot. When I see a rose, I'll remember how he would surprise me with them every month just to give me something to really smile about that day. It didn't matter what kind of day I was having he always knew what to do or say to make it all better. The simplest smile could make my heart beat faster and fill me with a joyous love I've never known possible. My whole body would feel warm, from my toes all the way to my heart, warmth would radiate just because he smiled at me.

It's all over now. There's no more warmth. There's only pain. I can feel the hurt in every part of my body. I ache all over. That's how strong my love for him is. I'm crushed. I don't know if the pieces will every fit back together again.

I lift my head and slowly break the hold he has on me. I can't even look up at him.

"If you won't leave, then I guess I will." I take a full step away, hold out my hand and he takes the letter that arrived today out of it.

It's so silent. I think I hear his heart break as he takes the letter. He looks down at the envelope addressed to him.

"I'm sorry. If this is what you need, I'll give it to you. I made you a promise that I would love you forever. I'm not breaking that, but if you need me to go, then I will."

He folds the letter and puts it in his back pocket. He looks back up and I can see the heartache. He kisses me softly on the cheek and walks out the room and out of my life.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Failure and the art of getting back up

Mostly everyone is afraid of failing at one thing or another. We're afraid because it's looked down upon to fail. "Oh, you didn't get this." or "Oh, you failed." "You must be no good."

No. Stop. 

This stigma that failing or not getting something means you aren't good at whatever it is needs to stop. It's not true and it's hurtful. It leads to people giving up their dreams.

You can do it. Believe in yourself!

Nobody but you needs to believe.

If you fall get right back up. Show the world and yourself that you are strong and can do this! Failing isn't a sign of failure. Giving up is. 

Don't give up. 

If you never put yourself out there, you can never get ahead. It's okay to stumble. We start life out falling, so why when we fall later in life is it not okay? Be brave. If you have a passion, go after it. Don't hold anything back. Whatever you hold back turns into regret later.

Live with no regrets. 

Be the best you that you can be. Don't let others bring you down. Lift yourself up. You have the potential to be the strongest person you know. If you never try, you never know.

Be strong.

Don't be afraid to fail, fall, be rejected etc. 

It's a part of life. 

If you don't experience it how can you get to where you're supposed to end up?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Maybe Someday Book Review

I read this book in one sitting and don't regret staying up until the sun was shining through my window. It's a piece of writing that will stick with me for a very long time.

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
Amazon Paperback:
Amazon Kindle:
Barnes & Noble Paperback:
Barnes & Noble Nook:



This novel is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. The combination of a novel with original music to go with the scenes was so creative and the outcome was something I won’t forget. It enhanced the emotions of the story and brought it to life. It’s a part of the book that can become a part of your life, too.

This novel centers on Sydney and Ridge. Sydney hits a rough patch in life and Ridge gives her a place to stay in exchange for the song lyrics she writes for his music. A beautiful friendship and musical relationship is born. Ridge is unlike any male character I’ve ever read about. He’s different and you soon find out what makes him so different shortly after the novel begins.

Making music with someone can be complicated but Sydney and Ridge completely understand each other and really vibe off one another. They’re musically attracted to each other, but those feelings run deeper. That’s a problem because Ridge has a very serious girlfriend. They’re both mature adults, though, and find a way to continue their friendship and still make music.

How do you stop your feelings for someone when you need those feelings to write a song? You can’t and that’s the problem Sydney and Ridge run into. They’re feelings for each other are in their song writing and that’s something that can’t be ignore no matter how hard they try.

I literally could not put this book down. My legs went numb because I sat so long in one spot without moving. This is a book that I think anybody could relate to. We’ve all had those feelings for someone we know we shouldn’t, but what do you do when you just can’t fight them anymore? Maybe Someday is a beautiful story with even more beautiful characters. Colleen Hoover continues to amaze me with the original stories she comes up and the characters that you can’t help but fall in love with. Even her supporting characters are so interweaved in the story that you feel like you know them just as well as Sydney and Ridge. I highly recommend you read this and you HAVE to listen to the songs as they appear in the story. It’s a must. The music adds that perfect addition to the story and involves more of your senses making the story feel that much more real.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

This post might suck or maybe not.

You know what sucks?! I'll tell you what sucks.

  1. When you miss your train/bus and see it pulling away.
  2. When your pants rip or your shirt gets a hole in it.
  3. When you forget something's due at the library and end up owing money.
  4. When your dog goes to the bathroom in the house.
    1. When you step in it.
    2. In your bare feet.
  5. When you forget how to spell a word that is beyond simple and one you've seen a million times.
  6. When you sneeze while you're eating.
  7. When your glasses get smudges on them.
  8. When you drop your phone.
    1. The few seconds of panic before you get the courage to look at the screen.
  9. When your favorite pen runs out of ink.
  10. When your nose is super itchy and it won't go away and you end up looking like a crack addict.

Those things suck.

You know what doesn't suck?
  1. Venting about everything that does suck.
  2. When you stretch and get something to crack.
    1. That amazing feeling that follows.
  3. When your dog wakes you up with good morning kisses.
  4. When your dog doesn't go to the bathroom in the house and goes outside.
  5. When you get an A on a paper/test.
  6. When your favorite book/movie/music album gets released.
  7. When you wake up in the morning and feel completely refreshed.
  8. The night that you get to catch up on all your TV shows.
  9. Having a board game night.
  10. Being able to write about all the good things you don't normally think about during the day.
Those things definitely don't suck.

I feel better. I'm smiling. 

Always start with the negatives and end with the positives. The positives are always better and by the end you forget what the negatives even were. :)