Monday, March 24, 2014

Failure and the art of getting back up

Mostly everyone is afraid of failing at one thing or another. We're afraid because it's looked down upon to fail. "Oh, you didn't get this." or "Oh, you failed." "You must be no good."

No. Stop. 

This stigma that failing or not getting something means you aren't good at whatever it is needs to stop. It's not true and it's hurtful. It leads to people giving up their dreams.

You can do it. Believe in yourself!

Nobody but you needs to believe.

If you fall get right back up. Show the world and yourself that you are strong and can do this! Failing isn't a sign of failure. Giving up is. 

Don't give up. 

If you never put yourself out there, you can never get ahead. It's okay to stumble. We start life out falling, so why when we fall later in life is it not okay? Be brave. If you have a passion, go after it. Don't hold anything back. Whatever you hold back turns into regret later.

Live with no regrets. 

Be the best you that you can be. Don't let others bring you down. Lift yourself up. You have the potential to be the strongest person you know. If you never try, you never know.

Be strong.

Don't be afraid to fail, fall, be rejected etc. 

It's a part of life. 

If you don't experience it how can you get to where you're supposed to end up?

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